Music - Other
Lick Library Rock Jam Volume 2[MyAnonamouse net]
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Head on over TODAY to for the BEST in Audiobook, E-books and ALL things for the Musician; Lick Library,sheet music, music books, instructional videos, etc. We will be CLOSING Open Registration SOON! IF you want to Register after this time, Please use the IRC link provided and join our Special INVITE CHANNEL.See you there!
great dvd
Description This superb DVD is designed to give you the tools to jam along to music, whether it's a song on the radio a piece of television music or a backing track. You will learn to locate the "key" and notes necessary to play along. A unique "timing" system is used to build licks and ideas needed for improvising.
Your individual skill level can be addressed using this system, providing the player with usable musical phrases and licks that can be adapted to any style. A rock style backing track is included for the purpose of demonstration and can be used for the player to try out the musical ideas explored within the DVD.
This product will literally give you the "key" to improvising also developing your soloing skills to new heights. If you have been confused and baffled as to how guitar players can jam along with music they’ve never heard before in an instant, prepare to learn the secret.